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Company cultures are being reshaped by the pandemic, the rise of millennials and Gen Z in the workforce, and the Great Reshuffle. Employees are demanding more freedom to work where and when they want, more meaning in their work, and more attention to their well-being.


A 2021 survey by LinkedIn of what matters most to job seekers around the world found that the No. 1 employee value proposition is good work-life balance, and professional development opportunities are the top area to invest in to improve company culture. 


As a solution, Whitman Consulting is pleased to present The 1440 Method. This professional development experience considers the whole human to enhance the Employee Experience.



Each of us is given 1440 minutes every day, so how do we ensure intentionality with spending those minutes creating purpose and meaning in all areas of life?



This program delivers:


  • An understanding of what areas of life are most important to you and your long term visions for each

  • Clarity on what your priority goals are currently and a method to periodically re-assess them in the future

  • A definition of your ideal day and how to fill it with the inspired actions that avoid burnout

  • Techniques for creating and sustaining life-changing systems of accountability and support that align with the best version of you



The 1440 Method is a cohort-based group coaching experience that is delivered virtually through interactive workshops. Each delivery is customized for the organization to create the desired cultural outcomes.

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